Friday, 29 April 2011

I’ve always wanted to be a mechanic

Just in case your car breaks down... All you have to do is remove 3 bolts, it’s that easy :)

I (look) like you

“Well, you know, I always thought we've looked alike... We might have even been separated at birth.”

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Par avion

These are still a work in progress and have a little bit of a journey ahead of them but they are making me smile. :)

The Sydney suburbs

These brooches will ensure you will never get lost again. They show the urban and suburban streets of Sydney and, I think, give off a feeling of belonging.

Sail away

I made these the other day... Don’t you just want to sail away in that boat?

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Haven’t you grown!

Well, here we have some storybook animals that are beginning to take shape. (Yay) To me, they look they're attending a family get-together. :)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

A fleet of brooches

Just wanted to show you some brooches. We’ve got big ones and small ones and some that we don’t really know how to classify... :) Most of these are being shown at Bleeding Heart Gallery.

Good evening, kind Sir

I’ve been rummaging through some old kid’s books and have been enchanted! A couple more coats of glaze for these and they’ll be ready to voyage to farmyards and tea parties...

Rabbits and snails and bears: oh my!

I'm quite excited about how these new animal brooches are coming along! They have a fair way to go until they are 'ready' but just thought I'd give you a preview. :)